HOME 2020-06-11T16:04:43+00:00

“Marty, where we’re going in the future, THERE… ARE… NO… BANKERS!”

The Greatest Crime

Did you know that the Federal Reserve is not part of our government? It’s a private banking cartel that bribed their way into creating and manipulating our nation’s monetary system.

They make up the money out of thin air, “loan it” to our people and our government, then expect us to pay it back with interest. That should be enough of a crime right there. But on top of that, they never create that “interest money”.  It’s never added to the money supply. And this guarantees that people will go bankrupt, and the bankers will “repossess” their property. This keeps us fighting each other for survival, while the bankers sit back and admire their abomination.

The unnecessary suffering and deprivation inflicted on this country by the central bankers — and nearly every other country around the world – is truly the Greatest Crime Against Humanity. And if you think some other atrocity in one of our never-ending wars qualifies as a greater crime, just remember who was really behind that war. The old saying, “All wars are banker’s wars,” is no exaggeration.

The End Of Economic Slavery

Let’s Make The Money Free Party A Global Movement

Finally, the reign of the Federal Reserve, all the Central Bankers, and this entire financial “industry” is being brought to an end by what else? Technology. Systems like Bitcoin and Blockchain can eliminate the middle-men and make all transactions open and transparent.

Meanwhile, automated production systems are replacing jobs, and that’s a good thing… IF you build your economic system around this reality. We can get rid of all non-essential jobs and cut the work-week in half. We can produce our products, by maximizing automation, at near-zero marginal cost, removing the price tag when we create an abundance.

Help this movement along, join the party, run for office and spread this information everywhere you can. The powers-that-be work to slow the transition. We’re determined to bring it about now.

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Some Campaigns We Support * * * A Few Flyers

Steve Saylor 2020 Presidential Campaign Video

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